Sunday, March 26, 2006


here is an article I wrote about Alexis Godbout as it appears at

Too Fast Too Furious, Alexis Godbout Burns Rubber

An obvious and catchy way to start this piece would be to compare my life at the age of fifteen to that of Alexis Godbout. It would be easy to let you know that, during that era, my life revolved around dial up internet, junk food, and b-grade comedy movies. My principal source of income was my allowance, which really didn’t amount to anything, but was more than adequate given that Ipods and cellphones were essentially non-existent. All that to say, I wasn’t traveling to France and Aspen to ski, nor was I cutting school to jib with Charles Gagnier, Peter Olenick, Simon Dumont, and the rest of the Salomon pro team.

It’s another brutally cold day in Mont Tremblant, Quebec. Grey and overcast, light snow, blustering winds. The last thing I’d ever want to be doing is standing dead still for headshots, hiking a box in the park, and standing still again for photos intended to go onto the mountain’s website and brochures. Only a 15-year-old kid could have the energy to be doing this. In fact, I’m not even really doing any of that; instead I’m standing at the bottom of the new feature with Alexis’ mother, chatting about what it’s like to raise a prodigy.

Taking care of a ski phenom is probably no different than tending to the life of any other teenage boy. Alexis runs into his mother at the bottom of the park. He has recently arrived from school, and the main concern at the moment is whether her son has brought home his biology books (big test tomorrow), and if he has eaten the sandwich she packed for him. No different than any other 15-year-old, right?

The atmosphere changes when we arrive back up at the top of the park. It’s obvious at this moment that Alexis is now in charge. He parks himself at the apex of the in-run leading towards three tables. First hit is a step-up. He spins 180, hits the second table with a zero spin, and launches a cab 7 leading mute off the last kicker. Without waiting for myself or mum, he bolts down to the lift to catch another ride.

Most people who live in Tremblant know, or know someone who knows, Alexis Godbout. When we arrive at the Flying Mile, the liftee warns us that this is the “ dernier remontee” but that Alexis “ pourra prendre cinq ou six autres run avec sa vitesse.” Translation: last ride up, but Alexis might be able to squeeze in five or six more with his gusto. Not since Philou Poirier has such a prominent rider emerged into the freeski scene from the area. At the local end of season big air event last year, the announcer crowned Alexis the next king of Tremblant. Problem was, the label was about three months too late. His mother and father had already helped their son sign his first contract with Salomon, he had competed in the US Open, and was quickly on his way to inking a deal to join the Spy Optic team.

Mrs. Godbout and I are involved in a heated discussion about her son’s career potential. She knows that the scene can be conducive to heavy partying, girls and other vices accessible to any teenage kid, but she respects her son’s honesty. He has a clear conscience, and has informed her of every slip up on the road, most notably a glass of champagne in Tignes, France when Charles won the Airwaves. In the meantime, Alexis seems to have grown tired of taking promo shots on the mellow box. He eyes his mother, making it clear without words that he wants to get going. She glares back at him (this is after all a Tremblant promo shoot, and both parents are instructors on the mountain), he sighs, and without opening his mouth, picks up his skis and starts hiking back up. I guess Alexis isn’t completely in charge in the park today.

By no means is Alexis spoiled, nor is he the owner of many material excesses. With his winnings so far this year, he’d like to buy an mp3 player and a laptop. He doesn’t have an agent handling his business decisions and spending habits, and his family seems a little unsure about what to do with his earnings. “ Put it in a Swiss bank account,” Alexis quips as we ride home for the day. He looks back at the park, reminding himself that he won’t ride again until Saturday, when school is done for the week. He seems oblivious to his success, as though he doesn’t realize that most kids his age haven’t traveled to France, Vail, Aspen, and back to France again in the last five months. Either way, both Alexis and his family recognize that he has a unique opportunity, a chance to see the world, meet great people, and otherwise expand his horizons. Most importantly, careful decision making and an open mind have allowed them to take small steps each year to allow their son to get closer to his dream.

A lot of work remains to be completed. Alexis is easily the best rider in the area, and he’s lacking other strong skiers to nudge him along. He tells me that he pushes himself to progress, but it’s clear that he needs to be surrounded by other top level competitors on a regular basis. That’s all long term at the moment. More pressing issues include finishing high school ( he’s in grade 9, and has two more years remaining come June), eating a good dinner, and studying for that biology test.

Like Vin Diesel in The Fast and the Furious, Alexis Godbout lives his life a quarter mile at a time. While he may not own a driver’s license or a set of wheels that rivals Dumont’s Cadillac, this phenom is clearly in control of a 10 second car.


1. Alexis Down Rail
2. Alexis B+W

03.22 Too Fast Too Furious, Alexis G...
03.09 Eurotrip: The Austria Report
03.08 Mike Clarke Takes Superunknown...
02.24 Superunknown Finaliists Announ...
02.19 Dumping in Whistler with 4FRNT
01.30 Shanghai Six: HD
01.18 First and Last Urban Ski Fashi...
01.05 Superunkown III - Enter NOW!
11.28 Fall Term Graduation with Liam...
11.02 Little Bo Peep Finds His Sheep...
FALL 2005 SUMMER 2005
FALL 2004 SUMMER 2004

Level 1 Productions, Inc. - 9886 E Carolina Place - Denver CO, 80247


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